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Thursday, October 12, 2006 @1:43 PM

Boy: I'm giving you all your freedom... you still have a choice, and I'll respect whatever decision you make

Girl: I'm not perfect, all I'm saying is that I'm just being honest of how I feel about us, it hurts a lot. But at the end of it, it doesnt mean that i love you any less. It's a struggle but I'll be there with you..

That was one part of the conversation that my boyfriend and I had.. it was kinda weird but it was ok.. After that conversation I went to play badminton with my Uncle it was fun and i had to go home kinda late.. and it was still a boring day for me..

Mikaela es un nombre muy bello pero lo que escribiste, déjame decirte que se refleja una soledad del corazón.

Debes comprender que mi inglés es pésimo.

Abrazos desde mi Cali preciosa.
Mikaela es un nombre muy bello pero lo que escribiste, déjame decirte que se refleja una soledad del corazón.

Debes comprender que mi inglés es pésimo.

Abrazos desde mi Cali preciosa.
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Born on the 10th of January '86.
Anna to friends.
Born and raised in the Philippines.
Currently in Vallejo, California.
Busy with work and party is not an option.
Got tired of waiting, but still waiting...
Plain stupid but still loves the feeling.





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